I'm a Googlebot! I will not kill you

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I read a while ago someone wondering if the Google Bar is spying on URLs visited by its users, now it's the turn of Tim Bray who's confident that the Google AdSense ads are calling the bots army in the Googleplex [Tim has updated his post: If you look real closely at that robot (for geeks, at the "User-Agent" field), it’s not quite the same as the normal googlebot; apparently this beast is just reading the text of the page to figure out what contextually appropriate ads to display.]. On a related note, Google has acquired Urchin, so they're one step away from providing nicely looking stats to all those happy AdSense customers.

I know that Big Brother said "do no evil", but for some reason I find Paul Ford's Robot Exclusion Protocol deliciously K. Dickesque:

I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower to find another one sitting near the drain. It was about 2 feet tall and made of metal, with bright camera-lens eyes and a few dozen gripping arms. Worse than the Jehovah's Witnesses.

"Hi! I'm from Google. I'm a Googlebot! I will not kill you."