Temporarily out of order...

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I just upgraded to MT3.11 and something went wrong. I still don't know what, but if you try to add a comment, it won't work. I can't fix it right now, so please be patient and go out somewhere (it's the week-end, you shouldn't be here ;-).

Update: everything seems to work fine now. I had numerous FTP problems during the whole week-end which screwed up files at random. The upgrade did go fine, apparently, but nothing worked. I had to upload a full version on top of the MT installation, but each rebuild caused a Can't call method "id" on an undefined value at lib/MT.pm line 770 error. Six Apart support was responsive and helpful, their diagnosis steps helped me figure out by myself that I stupidly forgot to re-upload the plugins. No comment has been lost, I'm rebuilding those entries manually. Still, I wish MT upgrades were simpler.