Web Standards Reward

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Today I had a new glimpse of web standards in action. I got my hands on a Sony Ericsson P800 for a few minutes and went to check both my company site and this weblog. As expected, the former was recognizable -- actually fairly identical to how it is supposed to look on a "regular" browser despite its "old school" design -- but difficult to browse on the tiny screen. This weblog, however, was surprisingly usable and looked fine too. Thanks to the out of the box web standards based templates of Movable Type.

Web standards veterans know that by heart. After months of digging in theory, Web standards padawans who aren't blasé yet appreciate to see all those Good Things™ produce visible, encouraging, even rewarding results. Simple but striking demos are worth a thousand business cases and web agencies should all have a portfolio of demos to convince their clients to adopt web standards.

Now, I'd like to see recent business cases about WAP or web clipping, just for a good laugh.