Etre ou ne pas être, telle est la question

Half of my audience (actually one of my two readers) is asking me to post more stuff in French. Ah! zut alors.

I've been wondering before launching this weblog how I should do it: in English only, bilingual (translating every post), a mix (different posts in both languages or with link summaries and quotes translations), two separate weblogs with their own language. At some point I decided I had procrastinated long enough (five years, not bad) and that I should go for the simplest option: write in English (the American flavor because by experience the Brits don't email you when you write organization, while Americans apparently can't get that organisation is not a mispell on this side of the Atlantic*) for an international audience.

I wonder what the other half is thinking. Give me a sign, please!

(*) when was written in plain old British English, we used to receive one email per day telling us that "you mispeled (sic) organization". At some point we decided to switch to American English. We received no such complaints ever after.